Monday 1 September 2014

First round will be for acceptance, while the last four will be arguments. The time to argue is 72 hours, while the argument max is 8,000.
The format will be as such:
Resolution: Superman, Spiderman, Batman - superheros or misleading idols?
Contention 1:
Evidence and Body

Contention 2, etc

When providing evidence, please cite sources and leave links at the bottom of the paragraph so that I know which link is for which statistic or piece of evidence.

Seeing as the site does not allow for a random selection of sides, I choose pro- that they really are super heros. I hope for a challenge soon and that my terms are best-suited to both debating parties.

Again, the first round is for agreement to terms.
I accept, and agree to the terms presented above, as well as wishing my opponent good luck.
Debate Round No. 1
Superheros, like Superman, Spiderman, and Batman, are not misleading idols. Although, they do not exist, they show the importance of helping people. A man once said, quote, "I think it is great to believe in them, besides that's where half of our childhood memories are- dressing up in spider man costumes, concentrating on objects trying to make them fly. As well as harry potter movies - he's a hero too. Taking away our superheros is taking away half of our childhood!" (unquote) I agree with this. Someone also said, "I believe they are. Super heros are constant reminders of right doing and justice.....great human traits that few have! In a more realistic point of view.....a good role model is someone that leads by example. Don't just tell them the right them the right way. Someone that will see them as people, too.....with real concerns.....and not "just kids." Someone willing to step down to their level and just have a conversation with them. " Unquote.
Those are just some examples why super heros are great role models.

I thank my opponent for their intriguing response.

I will state each of my contentions as each of the "superheroes" names.

Superman, Spiderman, Batman - superheroes or misleading idols?

Contention 1: Superman

First I will give a brief description of Superman and his abilities.

This will be from the DC Universe Wikia.[1]

Superman, also known as the Man of Steel, 
is one of the most powerful superheroes in the DC Universe. 
His abilities include incredible super-strength, super-speed, invulnerability, freezing breath, flight, and heat-vision.

Society does not want a hero who is invulnerable, this essentially is going into perfection.
Society greatly does everything to prevent the rule of perfection.
Having an idol who is perfection breaks apart all society is trying to accomplish.

Contention 2: Spiderman

This will be from the Marvel Database.[2]

I will also briefly give a description of Spiderman and his abilities.

Peter Parker was bitten by a radioactive spider in high school, and the spider bite caused him to develop abilities powers similar to that of a spider. He was soon able to crawl up walls and sense imminent danger, and eventually even developed his own method of creating webs to swing from.

Always the underdog, Peter is routinely out-manned and out-gunned, but still manages to throw in wise-cracks between punches, and usually comes out on top in the end.

This is essentially saying Spiderman is always the underdog, yet society tends not to focus on the "underdog", but the average member of society.

Contention 3: Batman

This will be from the DC Universe Wikia.[3]

I will briefly give a description of Batman and his abilities.

Batman is the superhero protector of Gotham City, a man dressed like a bat who fights against evil and strikes terror into the hearts of criminals everywhere. In his secret identity he is Bruce Wayne, billionaire industrialist and notorious playboy. Although he has no superhuman powers, he is one of the world's smartest men and greatest fighters. His physical prowess and technical ingenuity make him an incredibly dangerous opponent. 

Batman as no problem with killing his enemies.
Society does not accept Batman as an acceptable idol, because there is no consequences that come from his unmoral killing.

I will now refute each of my opponents points.

My opponents arguments will be in bold and itaclilized 
Like so.

 they show the importance of helping people.
Batman kills criminals to "uphold the law" yet these have no repurrisons repercussions for his actions.

 "I think it is great to believe in them, besides that's where half of our childhood memories are- dressing up in spider man costumes, concentrating on objects trying to make them fly.
 So from my above contentions, your stating that these "heroes" are good memories, yet I have stated how each of them are "misleading idols" in my above contentions.

 "I believe they are. Super heros are constant reminders of right doing and justice.....great human traits that few have!
Batman murders criminals, this is clearly not doing right and upholding justice, thus this is false.

In a more realistic point of view.....a good role model is someone that leads by example. Don't just tell them the right them the right way

So your saying the fans of each of these so called heroes should repeat each of their behavior.
This is clearly not the case.
1) Superman is perfect. Society does not agree with perfectionism.
2) Spiderman is the underdog. Society focuses on the average member of society than the "underdog".
3) Batman kills criminals. Society does not condone murder. 

  Someone that will see them as people, too.....with real concerns.....and not "just kids." 
" Someone willing to step down to their level and just have a conversation with them. "
I don't see how this is relevant to the resolution. 

I have stated my arguments and refuated each of your arguments.
I am done for now.

Debate Round No. 2
I also would like thank my opponent for their intriguing response.

I will now refute each of my opponents points. My opponent said that (quote) "Society does not want a hero who is invulnerable, this essentially is going into perfection.Society greatly does everything to prevent the rule of perfection.
Having an idol who is perfection breaks apart all society is trying to accomplish." (unquote) He said this not realizing that society could mean several things and that superheros like Superman were created for children. Children do not care if he perfect, they just want the bad guy to be defeated. My opponent also superman is perfect, however nobody is perfect.
My opponent also said that that society does not focus on an underdog but the "normal" people of society. However, its those "underdogs" who can stand out and show the kindness and the compassion and care about the people who are in need, that really stand out. Even though Peter was bitten and he was probably shy , its the fact that he decided to use his powers for good instead of evil.
My opponent also mentioned Batman. He said that Batman has no problems killing his enemy. However, he failed to mention that Batman decided to become batman because of his parents death. He did not want people to go though what he had gone though. Batman never killed an enemy.Never! And because he does not kill his enemy he deserves no consequences. What I want to know is where he got the information on Batman kill ing people... where is that info?

I am done for now.
I thank my opponent for her response.

I will now refute my opponents arguments towards my refutations.

Once again, my opponents refutations will be in bold.

He said this not realizing that society could mean several things and that superhero's like Superman were created for children. Children do not care if he perfect, they just want the bad guy to be defeated. My opponent also superman is perfect, however nobody is perfect.
One of Superman's ablilties is being invulnerable.
Invulnerable is defined as incapable of being wounded, injured, or harmed.
This clearly shows Superman can not be harmed, injured, or harmed.
This makes him invulnerable.

However, its those "underdogs" who can stand out and show the kindness and the compassion and care about the people who are in need, that really stand out. Even though Peter was bitten and he was probably shy , its the fact that he decided to use his powers for good instead of evil.

Not all "underdogs" are unrealistically show kindness or compassion.
Goths are normally considered the "underdog", yet the majority hardly show acts of kindness or compassion.

He said that Batman has no problems killing his enemy. However, he failed to mention that Batman decided to become batman because of his parents death. He did not want people to go though what he had gone though. Batman never killed an enemy.Never! And because he does not kill his enemy he deserves no consequences. What I want to know is where he got the information on Batman kill ing people... where is that info?
Batman has always been a darker "hero" than most.
As to where I got my information from: (Early Years)

"The first Batman story, "The Case of the Chemical Syndicate," was published in Detective Comics #27 (May 1939). Finger said, "Batman was originally written in the style of the pulps,"[19] and this influence was evident with Batman showing little remorse over killing or maiming criminals."

I have refuted each of my opponents points.
Debate Round No. 3
sweetpie12 forfeited this round.
Unfortunately my opponent forfeited this round.

Extend all arguments and refutations.

I will give a brief summary of the debate thus far.

Round One

Pro: Stated the rules, resolution, and formatting of the debate.

Con: Accepted and agreed to the terms and rules of the debate.

Round Two

Pro: Stated her argument for the resolution.

Con: Stated his arguments against the resolution and attempted to refute Pro's points.

Round Three

Pro: Attempted to refute Con's points

Con: Addressed each of Pro's refutations against my arguments.

Round Four

Pro: Forfeited the round

Con: Extended all arguments and refutations and gave a brief summary of the debate.

50 % say No

Parents should be their idols

In my point of view I certainly disagree of children whatching cartoons because it decreases their friendship situations due to super heroes telling them to fighting against something that is not necessary. In conclusion this is why I definetally disagree with batman and other super heroe cartoon movies whatched by children trying to learn.

They provide entertainment and morals

They teach children that they should always fight for truth and stand for truth till end .They also entertain people. With having emotions they fight till end for truth and don't think that their family members against truth or not they just fight for truth ,this makes children powerful by heart . They also motivate children to fulfill their dreams and live for truth with hapiness

Superman and Batman are misleading idols.

Superman and Batman are part of fictional worlds created by large corporations that sell movie tickets. They are part of entertainment empires which seek to earn profits rather than to educate the youth about morality. Also, these characters are totally unrealistic, and no one should look up to them as role models.

Parents Should Be Real Superheroes


Comic books are just that--fantasy stories made up for entertainment. Real superheroes should be everyday parents who try their hardest to make life better for their children. I'm not talking about deadbeats who skimp out on paying child support or meth-heads who can't get over their drug-induced haze. I mean real parents who love, educate and prepare the next generation to take over the world.

50% Say Yes.

They provide entertainment and morals


They teach children that they should always fight for truth and stand for truth till end .They also entertain people. With having emotions they fight till end for truth and don't think that their family members against truth or not they just fight for truth ,this makes children powerful by heart . They also motivate children to fulfill their dreams and live for truth with hapiness

Superheroes have been inspiration and motivation

For us ordinary humans since the time they have been created. This is because superheroes do not only provide clean family entertainment but also because they teach good moral values. No matter how famous Superman is he will always have a down to earth attitude and no matter how much Spiderman’s boss screams at him and throws his pictures in his face he will never even raise his voice forget retaliating. You will always find the superheroes fight for justice etc. never for power or money. Superheroes are another form of entertainment for kids and adults, but I believe they are also a great influence on kids. They encourage children to go out and follow their dreams, not stand on the sidelines and watch all their hopes and dreams crumble on the very floor they walk on. They tell children that there is always hope, and there will always be strength in your heart and indeed most superheroes, stand for every good value we try to instill in our youth - justice, selflessness, intelligence and the value of love, friendship and never giving up. While it is unrealistic, children aiming to grow up to be Batman are going to work harder to be good people at an age where most kids are only concerned with sticking stuff in their noses. How could that be called misleading?

Of course they are good!

Superheroes are another form of entertainment for kids and adults, but I believe they are also a great influence on kids. They encourage children to go out and follow their dreams, not stand on the sidelines and watch all their hopes and dreams crumble on the very floor they walk on. They tell children that there is always hope, and there will always be strength in your heart.

An ideal to aim for

Both of these superheros, and indeed most superheros, stand for every good value we try to instill in our youth - justice, selflessness, intelligence and the value of love, friendship and never giving up. While it is unrealistic, children aiming to grow up to be Batman are going to work harder to be good people at an age where most kids are only concerned with sticking stuff in their noses. How could that be called misleading?

Much more concerning is the lack of 'self made men' in comics. Everyone was either born with powers, got them in a freak accident or just inherited a lot of money, for some reason the villains are the ones who clawed their way to the top.

Possibly even more worrying is the popularity of these god-like figures vs normal (but villainous) people. Superman vs Lex Luthor is an invulnerable alien with almost limitless strength, speed and a million other powers vs a middle aged businessman.

And Batman is an immensely wealthy, heavily muscled, impeccably trained martial artist wearing millions of dollars worth of combat gear vs a skinny, mentally ill man in a clown costume.

Ladies, Gentlemen.. Superhero fans. I can’t classify them as men or woman exactly since they support people that wear their underwear over tights.I’m sure by now you all know that I believe, Superheroes are actually misleading idols. 
First of all, they DON’T exist. Spiderman won’t rescue you from a burning building, A fireman will. Why not make him your hero? I doubt any 10 year old holding a DC comic would agree to that.
 I’m sure all of you have heard the first impression is the last impression and the first thing I notice, is the hideous costume. Have you seen the way wonder woman dresses up? With that lack of clothing I wonder who saves the day in winter. 
And the fact that everyone actually idolizes them is disappointing. Starting from little girls who think they’re capable of being power puff and might even end up asking their fathers “Did you make us in a frying pan too? “ Thankfully, I never had that sort of urge rather when I was younger I had a desire to get bitten by a spider so that my spidey sense would tingle and a web would awkwardly emerge out of my wrist without realizing how dangerous it could actually be to experiment. Maybe that’s what encouraged self harming, checking for hidden webs under your skin, Failure to find any eventually leading to social suicide. 
What most mothers forget to tell their children is that you can buy costumes of Ebay but superpowers aren’t included in the package. And God knows how many kids have had to undergo a surgery while imitating these superhero stunts. I'm quite convinced how Batman is the leading cause of many kids jumping off their roofs every day. Come to think of it this might be the reason why two kids soared passed me yesterday while I was taking an evening stroll. And you thought you could get away with giving me misleading statistics about kids chasing kites during the basant season, did you? 
Turns out, it’s not the just news that promotes violence. It’s also these superheroes. Gone are the days when fights could be resolved by sharing lunch and maybe a hug but according to superman- Beat up the bad guys! Even 5 year old nowadays prefer breaking teeth instead of saying sorry. 
I bet all of you have noticed that all these superheroes contradict the statement that man is imperfect which increase complex in kids. Superheroes never fail at anything which makes winning necessary and people are driven by the fact that winning is the goal and if you don’t win, you’re a failure. That’s where the problem begins. Superheroes never lose teeth or lose a fight. It’s just that they save the day every time. And that discourages kids. 
Truth is – there's really no such thing as perfect! So if you're struggling to make it "just perfect" you're directing your energy into something that's impossible to achieve, and essentially a waste of your time. By seeking the all-elusive goal of perfection, it's really just an avoidance method and an opportunity to keep from moving.
Next time you find a suicide note saying I did not find a spiderweb under my skin, Do not be surprised.